

7/08/2015 eymi 10 Comments

Hello there!!
A couple of weeks ago i had the most fun photoshoot i have ever made for the blog and it was in the roof top of a building here in my city, we decided to make it there and take full advantage of the sunny day and the beautiful cleared blue sky that we had that day which was perfect for the kind of outfit that we were shooting.. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the outfit (and the view) =D and don't be shy to try this "Boyfriend Shorts" trend and let me know how did you like it! 
Hola a tod@s!! 
Algunas semanas atrás tuve una de las mas divertidas sesiones de fotos para el blog ya que fue en la azotea de un edificio de mi ciudad, decidimos hacerla allí y así aprovechar completamente las ventajas de un día soleado con un perfectamente despejado cielo azul que hubo ese día, el cual era perfecto para el tipo de atuendo que íbamos a fotografiar.

Espero hayan disfrutado de este outfit (y la vista) =D y no tengan miedo de intentar esta tendencia de los "Boyfriend Shorts" y dejarme saber que tal les fue!

Photography by Carmen I. Hernandez Garzo